Message, medium, method: how radio delivers news-driven content marketing



Moviegoers will certainly remember the line “If you build it, they’ll come†from Kevin Costner’s 1989 Field of Dreams, or the later reference in 1993’s iconic Wayne’s World 2, “If you book them, they’ll come. “.

However, many would agree that it’s best to leave these so-called “spray and pray†tactics confined to the fantasy world.

“Prescribing without diagnosis is malpractice†is a common term used by the medical fraternity, but it has also, over the years, been applied to business and marketing.

If the fundamentals of marketing haven’t changed – find out what people want, give it to them and tell them you gave it to them – then how come there are still so many ” clutter “when it comes to generating content and marketing what?

The media and marketing are constantly coming up with new buzzwords. For example, we think of terms like “big dataâ€, “sentiment analysisâ€, “SEOâ€, then words like “conversionsâ€, “engagementâ€, “organic†and even “content†that have taken on new meanings in an ever-changing media marketing landscape.

What exactly is content? From the late 2000s the word seems to have taken on a slightly new meaning with the concept primarily used in the media context and by the late 2010s having something to do with influencers on social media.

A quick search brings up the Wikipedia definition, referenced as used in “publishing, art and communication” where “content is information and experiences that are directed to an end user or public; something that is expressed through a medium â€.

Content marketing, according to the Content Marketing Institute, could therefore be understood as a “strategic marketing approach focused on the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and ultimately , to generate profitable customer action. â€. So instead of showcasing products or services, advertisers provide relevant and useful content to prospects and customers to help them solve problems or enrich their lives.

Radio and consumer information

Radio is a brilliant marketing choice because it not only provides broadcast advertising and all its benefits, but also digital advertising with its targeting capabilities, experiential marketing, influencing or approval capabilities, and it can , through the use of technology, harness valuable real-time information about consumers.

One Hour on the Radio, especially in a commercial music-focused format, still provides audiences with an unparalleled entertainment experience – music curated to their liking, bursts of relevant lifestyle information (yes, no. only news, traffic, weather updates be of value to the target audience or target market) and engaging features, which often include chances to win or reach and connect with other listeners and subscribers.

This highly engaged audience is ready to receive branded messages to stay on top of the list and respond to calls to action.

The promotions worked so well on OFM that advertisers had to withdraw campaigns because they were out of stock much earlier than expected.

However, in a highly competitive market, your message can get lost among the other 30 second spots. Going beyond ad cuts can give a brand more “direct†access to potential customers.

Message, support and method

And radio has actually been providing content marketing for decades.

For example, a law firm can strengthen its reputation by providing helpful advice on legal issues consumers are unsure of, such as their child support rights or how to buy property as a group of owners.

Niche products or services or even products that are very attractive but need to better reach a certain market segment can also benefit from content marketing. For example, a fast food brand targeting young consumers might sponsor a trendy celebrity music segment in a program.

Your combination of marketing (product, promotion, price, location, people, process, and physical evidence) and promotion (advertising, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and personal selling) still applies with these considerations:

  • Message – what do you say to whom (the message “is it right for the market”?)
  • Medium – what platform are you “talking†on (live stream, TV show, blog posts, social media)?
  • Method – how is this message delivered (text, video, audio)?

Additionally, in order to reach your desired audience with the desired effect, you need to consider how the information you want to convey will be organized, filtering out only what is important to them, and translated into a “language” that they understand. , all in order to create meaning that has value for them, as well as for the advertiser.

This is what we mean when we say that the main objective of content marketing is to ‘nurture the lead’ as part of a ‘long term process’ with the end result’ of sales and conversions, â€as Semrush explains. A single piece of content, interview or article does not constitute a campaign and the sales funnel approach always applies. For each part, top, middle, bottom, it is recommended that you apply certain types of content marketing at the awareness, review and buy stages.

But beware, one size does not fit all. Only campaigns that relay universal truths through simple executions can be successful as “global†or national campaigns. Trust the different radio brands to know their audience well enough to understand how messages and performances need to be altered to leverage them in order to provide a sufficient response to your investment in a wider reach.

Know the menu

Even worse than being an order taker is not knowing the menu – selling what isn’t there and then being unable to deliver a return on your investment. At OFM, we believe above all not only to provide, but also to create value. As a personal trainer, we work with our clients to ensure the most favorable outcome. It will not always be easy, there will be “solid discussions”, but we will continue to guide and encourage.

We never give up. Your dream is our dream. Why is this important? Radio stations do not operate in corporate voids. They are an integral part of communities. They contribute to the economy. They allow their customers to grow. By providing value, we not only take care of our own business, but we help others thrive and keep jobs in the marketplace.

We care – a lot. If it’s just the bottom line and pocket lining, opt for a “frigid†medium instead that doesn’t provide a direct point of contact between a brand and an existing or potential customer.

Radio has heart and OFM is at the heart of Central South Africa, on the pulse of what our listeners want and need. We are constantly researching and modifying our offerings to remain the most important media and marketing partner of the Free State, Northern Cape, Northwest and Southern Gauteng. We extend this sincere invitation to all of our existing and potential clients to join us in marketing ideas to make the most of this growing region.

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